
 Dr. Cinthya Torres

Dr. Cinthya Torres

Assistant Professor of Spanish
Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature

Cinthya Torres specializes in 20th and 21st century Amazonian literatures and cultures, especially from Brazil and Peru. She received a B.A. in literature from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and a PhD in Spanish and Portuguese from Harvard University.


  • Ph.D. Harvard University
  • M.A. Harvard University
  • B.A. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Research Interests

  • Spatial Literary Studies
  • Studies on space and place
  • Literary Geographies
  • Andean Studies
  • Indigenous land rights
  • Environmental Studies

Selected Publications

  • 鈥淭hiago de Mello; Astrid Cabral; M谩rcia Wayna Kambeba.鈥 Cantos del meandro. Muestra de ecopoes铆a amaz贸nica. Colecci贸n Ecopo茅ticas de la Madre Tierra, ed. Pedro Favar贸n, Cactus del
    viento, 2022.
  • 鈥溾淵 nuestras voces se inundan infinitas鈥: la Amazon铆a y sus voces en la poes铆a de Ana Varela Tafur.鈥 Golpe, furia, Per煤. Poes铆a y naci贸n (de Romualdo a nuestros d铆as), Editorial Horizonte,
    2021, 237-252.
  • 鈥淐on los ojos cerrados, abiertos hacia adentro鈥: Chamanismo y perspectivismo amerindio en Las tres mitades de Ino Moxo y otros brujos de la Amazon铆a de C茅sar Calvo."; Hispania, vol. 104
    no. 1, 2021, p. 89-102. Project Muse, .
  • 鈥淏ook Review of The Desertmakers. Travel, War, and the State in Latin America, by Javier Uriarte.鈥 Hispania,Vol. 104, No 2, June 2021, 307-309.
  • 鈥淏ook Review of Mourning El Dorado: Literature and Extractivism in the Contemporary American Tropics, by Charlotte Rogers. Revista de Estudios Hisp谩nicos. Vol. 54, No. 3, October 2020, 876-878.
  • 鈥淏ook Review of Beyond Human. Vital Materialism in the Andean Avant-Gardes, by Tara Daly. Hispanic Review. Vol. 88.2, Spring 2020, 239-242.
  • 鈥淐ontested Frontiers: Territory and Power in Euclides da Cunha鈥檚 Amazonian Essays.鈥 Intimate Frontiers. A Literary Geography of the Amazon, Liverpool University Press, 2019, 67-87.
  • 鈥淏ook Review of Portrait in the Andes. Photography and Agency, 1900-1950, by Jorge Coronado. Revista Iberoamericana, Vol. LXXXV, No 267, Abril 鈥揓unio, 2019, 618-621.
  • 鈥淢apas de la ficci贸n e identidad en La isla de Fush铆a de Irma del 脕guila.鈥 Cornejo Multipolar: ACP y la cr铆tica latinoamericana. October 19-20, 2017, RCLL, Axiara y ANLE, 2018, 134-146.
  • 鈥淥n Poverty and the Representation of the Other in 鈥楾he Hour of the Star鈥 by Clarice Lispector.鈥 INTI, no. 85/86, 2017, pp. 193鈥203. JSTOR,.
  • 鈥淧谤贸濒辞驳辞.鈥 Un para铆so perdido: ensayos amaz贸nicos / Euclides da Cunha, trans. by Barbara Galindo, Pascalle Editorial/Biblioteca Nacional de Brasil, 2016, 5-30.

Forthcoming Publications

  • 鈥淎 Land with History: The Amazonian Frontier in Alberto Rangel鈥檚 Texts.鈥 The Environment in Brazilian Culture: Literature, Cinema, and the Arts, ed. by Patricia Vieira, University of Florida, 2025.
  • 鈥淓ntre el r铆o y la monta帽a: Jos茅 Mar铆a Arguedas, C茅sar Calvo y una mismidad de saberes en la Amazon铆a peruana.鈥 Am茅rica sin Nombre. 32 (2025), 140-158.
  • 鈥淟a potencialidad de la palabra en Estancias de Emilia Tangoa.鈥 Ana Varela Tafur: poes铆a (Working Tittle), ed. Yaneth Sucasaca. Pakarina Ediciones/ Universidad Nacional de la
    Amazon铆a Peruana, 2025.


  • Introductory and Intermediate Spanish
  • Advanced Grammar and Composition
  • Introduction to Textual and Literary Analysis of Hispanic Literature
  • Readings in Latin American Literature
  • Hispanic Civilizations and Literatures
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