Dr. Min-Wook Kang, P.E.
- Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland
- M.S. Civil and Environment Engineering, University of Maryland
- M.S. Transportation System Engineering, Hanyang University
- B.S. Transportation System Engineering, Hanyang University
Dr. Kang’s research interests are in i) advanced traffic operations and safety; ii) artificial intelligence in traffic management and transportation infrastructure design; iii) accident analysis and modeling...
He has expertise in quantitative methods in transportation engineering involving mathematical modeling and optimization; Artificial Intelligent (AI)-based optimization techniques. He also has extensive experience in simulation-based traffic safety and operations of highways and intersections. Dr. Kang has co-authored many articles in journals and conference proceedings in the transportation literature.
Scholarly Book
Kang, M.-W. and Schonfeld, P. (2020), Artificial Intelligence in Highway Location and Alignment Optimization: Applications of Genetic Algorithms in Searching, Evaluating, and Optimizing Highway Location and Alignments. World Scientific Publishing, , Available at major bookstores, , , etc.
Selected Journal Articles (grad students*; corresponding author‡)
Kang‡, M.-W., Hossain*, R., Rahman, M., and Biswas, P. (published online March 2025). Speed–Space Analysis and Dynamic All-Red Extension for Red-Light Running Protection at Signalized Intersections on Rural High-Speed Arterials, Transportation Research Record, 0(0): Journal of Transportation Research Board.
Oyelere*, A., Wu‡, S. Hsiao, K.-T., Kang, M.-W. Dizbay-Onat, M., Cleary, J., Venkiteshwaran, K., Wang, J., Bao, Y. (2024). Evaluation of cracking susceptibility of asphalt binders modified with recycled high-density polyethylene and polypropylene microplastics, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 438, 136811.
Biswas*, P., Kang‡, M.-W., Hossain*, M.R., and Rahman*, M. (2024). Field Assessment of Variable Left-Turn Mode by Time-of-Day for Intersections Being Upgraded with Flashing Yellow Arrow Signal Heads and Offset Left-Turn Lanes, Transportation Research Record, 2678(10): Journal of Transportation Research Board.
Biswas*, P., Kang‡, M.-W., & Rahman*, M. (Published online in Dec. 2023). Safety Evaluation of the Combined Effect of Offset Left-Turn Lanes and Flashing-Yellow-Arrow Signals at Signalized Intersections on Multilane Divided Highways in Alabama Using the Empirical Bayes Method. Transportation Research Record, 2678(8).
Jagirdar*, R., Lee‡, J., Besenski, D., Kang, M.-W., Pathak, C. (2023). Development and Evaluation of Intersection-Based Turning Movement Counts Framework Using Two Channel LiDAR Sensors, Journal of Transportation Technologies, Vol. 13, No. 4.
Rahman*, M., Kang‡, M.-W., and Biswas*, P. (2023). Dynamic dilemma zone protection system for high-speed signalized intersections: A comprehensive safety -operational assessment, Transportation Engineering, Vol. 12, 100174, Elsevier. ISSN 2666-691X. .
Biswas*, P., Kang‡, M.-W. and Rahman*, M. (2022). Machine Learning Based Automated Left-Turn Vehicle Counts With Conventional Presence Mode Long-Loop Detectors: Alabama Case Studies. Transportation Research Record, 2676(10), 570–587.
Rahman*, M., Kang‡, M.-W., and Biswas*, P. (2021). Time-Varying, Speed-Varying Dilemma Zones using Machine Learning and Continuous Vehicle Tracking, Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technologies, Vol. 130, Elsevier.
Rahman*, M. and Kang‡, M.-W. (2021), Analysis of Intersection Site-Specific Characteristics for Type II Dilemma Zone Determination. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 147(11), ASCE.
Rahman*, M., Kang‡, M. W. (2020), Safety Evaluation of Drowsy Driving Advisory System: Alabama Case Study. Journal of Safety Research. 74 (2020), pp. 45-53, Elsevier.
Kang‡, M.-W., Rahman*, M., Lee, J. (2020), Determination and Utilization of Dilemma Zone Length and Location for Safety Assessment of Rural High-Speed Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record: 2674 (4) Journal of the Transportation Research Board, pp. 1-9, NASEM.
Mahbub*, M., Kang‡, M.-W., Lee, J.Y. (2019), Protected–Permissive Left Turn Phasing with Flashing Yellow Arrow Signal: Study of Red Intervals for an Effective Phase Transition. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 46(8), pp. 732-741. Canadian Science Publishing.
Jagirdar*, R., Lee‡, J., Kim, K., & Kang, M.-W. (2019). Development and Evaluation of Traffic Count Sensor with Low-Cost Light-Detection and Ranging and Continuous Wavelet Transform: Initial Results. Transportation Research Record 2673(11): Journal of the Transportation Research Board, pp. 209-219, NASEM.
Kang‡, M.-W. and Momtaz*, S. (2018), Assessment of Driver Compliance on Roadside Safety Signs with Warning Sounds from Road Surface - A Driving Simulator Study, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering - Elsevier. 5(1), pp. 1-13.
Kang‡, M.-W., Momtaz*, S., and Barnett, T. (2015), Crash Analysis and Public Survey for Drowsy Driving Advisory Systems, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 141(9), ASCE.
Kang‡, M.-W., Jha, M.K., and Buddharaju*, R. (2014), A Rail Transit Route Optimization Model for Rail Infrastructure Planning and Design: Case Study of St Andrews, Scotland, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 140(1), pp. 1-11, ASCE.
Yang‡, N., Kang, M.-W., Schonfeld, P., and Jha, M.K. (2014), Multiple Objective Optimization of Highway Alignments Incorporating Preference Information,Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technology, Vol. 40, pp. 36-48. Elsevier. .
Mishra‡, S., Kang, M.-W., and Jha, M.K. (2014). An Empirical Model with Environmental Considerations in Highway Alignment Optimization, Empirical Model with Environmental Considerations in Highway Alignment Optimization, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 20(4), pp. 1-12, ASCE. .
Kang‡, M.-W., Shariat*, S. and Jha, M.K. (2013), New Highway Geometric Design Methods for Minimizing Vehicular Fuel Consumption and Improving Safety,Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technology, Vol. 31, pp. 99-111. Elsevier. .
Kang‡, M.-W., Jha, M.K., and Schonfeld, P. (2012), Applicability of Highway Alignment Optimization Models, Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technology, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 257-286, Elsevier.
Courses at ÌìÃÀÓ°ÊÓ´«Ã½
- CE 102: Intro. to Civil Engineering: Spring 2021-Pre
- CE 352: Transportation Engineering: Spring 2014-Pre
- CE 353 (previously CE 452): Transportation Geometric Design:
Spring 2013-Pre - CE 432: Senior Design Project: 1 or 2 sections: Spring 2020-Pre
- CE 490: Special Topic – Traffic Engineering: Fall 2012-Pre
- CE 490: Special Topic – Highway Safety: Spring 2012 & Fall 2013
- EG 501: Research Integrity & Seminar: Fall 2013
- CE 551: Advanced Traffic Engineering: Fall 2021-Pre
- CE 552: Highway Geometric Design: Spring 2013-Pre
- CE 590: Advanced Highway Safety: Spring 2012 & Fall 2013
- CE 592: Machine-Learning Application for Driver Behavior Prediction at High-Speed Signalized Intersections: Spring 2020
- CE 592: Simulation-based Traffic Analysis: Summer 2015
- CE 592: Advanced Highway Engineering/Design: Spring 2013 & Sum 2014
- CE 599: Master Thesis Research: Sum 2014-Pre
- SE 699: Ph.D. Dissertation Research: Fall 2019-Pre