
TTP Workshop 2

TTP Workshop

November 4-5, 2015

Cyber Security Transition to Practice Workshop #2: Creating a TTP Roadmap for Principal Investigators

In February 2015, NSF sponsored a workshop to bring together key stakeholders to provide insights on how to improve the TTP process. An important outcome of that workshop was a detailed list of measures that might serve to overcome barriers to the transfer to practice of NSFs funded cybersecurity research.

In light of these results, the time is right for a follow on workshop identifying specific success factors for PI鈥檚 as they consider how to address this opportunity in FY16 and following years. The goal of the second Cyber Security Transition to Practice workshop is to utilize the findings from the first TTP workshop, narrowing the focus to define technology transfer means by which NSF can expand documented, measurable impact of NSF funded cybersecurity research results in the near and mid-term. One important outcome of this workshop will be to develop 鈥渉ow to TTP鈥 guides for PIs that leverages identified success factors and that will reduce the likelihood of repeating less effective TTP approaches.

鈻   Participants
Gail-Joon Ahn, Arizona State University
Peter Atherton, National Science Foundation/SBIR
David Balenson, SRI International
Don DuRousseau, George Washington University
Matt Elder, Symantec
Jeremy Epstein, National Science Foundation, SaTC
Daniel Fabbri, Vanderbilt University
Florence Hudson, Internet2
Burt Kaliski, Verisign
Dr. Anita J. La Salle, National Science Foundation, iCorps
Mingyan Liu, University of Michigan
Jason Nieh, Columbia University
Anita Nikolich, National Science Foundation, ACI
Chris Ramming, Intel
Rajiv Ramnath, National Science Foundation, ACI
Radu Sion, Stony Brook University
Susan Sons, Indiana University, CACR
Bob Stratton, Mach37
Steve Tuecke, University of Chicago/Globus
Ralph Wachter, National Science Foundation