CoTL 2022

12th Annual South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning
Early Decision Proposals Due: | Final Proposals Due: | Registration Opens: | Registration Closes: |
Monday, March 7 | Thursday, April 7 | Monday, March 7 | Friday, April 29 |
Theme: Building Resilience & Promoting Equity
Prolonged pandemic instruction has deeply affected higher education, exposing ongoing equity gaps and leading to a rise in stress and exhaustion for students and educators, alike. This “pandemic burnout” has taken a toll on our productivity and mental health (Gewin, 2021). Collectively we have sought out ways to energize and engage our classrooms as well as support our own well-being. How can we be exclusive to taking care of ourselves, while also being inclusive in taking care of our students?
As a partnership between USA, Spring Hill College, University of Mobile, and Pathway
USA community colleges including Bishop State, Coastal Alabama, Mississippi Gulf Coast,
CoTL reaches a diverse audience who have all experienced the effect of the pandemic
in unique ways. This year’s CoTL theme, “Building Resilience and Promoting Equity,”
invites us to explore equitable instructional practices - both teaching and assessing
learning - that we have employed in our classrooms and workplaces to help manage the
difficult circumstances we have been operating under.
Presentation topics may include factors related to instruction, such as approaching
teaching with an inclusive and student-centered mindset. Faculty have used active
learning, small group activities and alternative or standards-based assessments, among
other equitable instructional practices. Our courses span face-to-face, hybrid/blended,
or fully online teaching environments. You may also consider factors related to digital
equity, such as designing accessible online spaces and equitable uses of the Learning
Management System (LMS) (e.g., Canvas). This year, we’re also exploring topics related
to resilience, such as modeling and/or leading teams and classrooms to follow beneficial
mental health practices when it comes to workload, projects, (academic) life or even
study habits.
Through a variety of presentation formats including workshops, short talks, research talks and a poster session, we invite you to share your scholarly work in an inviting, supportive, yet peer-reviewed conference tailored to the needs of instructors along the Gulf Coast.
Keynote Speakers
"Building Resilience for Ourselves, Our Students, & Those Whom We Lead"
Michael Wiederman, Ph.D., Professor & Director of Leadership & Professional Development; Co-Director, Family
Medicine Faculty Development Fellowship, Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
"Digital Equity & Inclusion: Narrowing the Digital Divide in Higher Education to Enhance
Student Learning"
Mary McConner, Ph.D., Founder & Principal Consultant
Inclusive Excellence Consulting, LLC
2021-2022 American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow
Presentation Types
Interactive Workshops | Panels | Research Talks | Pecha Kuchas | Virtual Poster
Points of Contact
Dr. S. Raj Chaudhury, Innovation in Learning Center,
Dr. Lisa LaCross, Innovation in Learning Center,