Becky McLaughlin
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Becky McLaughlin | Professor Generalist with particular interests in psychoanalysis and sexuality. HUMB 279 | 460-7991 | |
Books Edited
- American Fanatics, Heretics, and Rebels: Hot Protestants and Religious Strife in Early American Literature, 1620-1865. Ed. Becky McLaughlin. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing 2022. Web.
- The Body in Theory: Essays after Lacan and Foucault. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. (Edited with Eric Daffron.)
- Putting Theory Into Practice In the Contemporary Classroom: Theory Lessons. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017.
- Everyday Theory: A Contemporary Reader. New York: Pearson Longman, 2005. (Edited with Bob Coleman.)
- "Desperately Seeking Wilco." Rock Music Studies 5.1 (2018): 29-45. Web. (Invited)
- "Fetishizing Lack: Claustrophobia and the Desiring Body of the Amputee Wannabe." Oracle: Fine Arts Review 13 (2015): 13-24. Print. (Invited)
- "From Punishment to Punctuation: The Primal Scene and the Pedagogy of Psychoanalysis." Knowledge Cultures 3.2 (2015): 98-111. Print.
- "Learning to Shudder: Sex, Ideology, and the Pedagogical Function of Horror." Journal of the College English Association: Middle-Atlantic Group 24 (2015): 21-28. Print.
- "Chaucer's Cut." Approaches to Teaching Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, 2nd edition. Ed. Frank Grady and Peter Travis. New York: Modern Language Association, 2014. 156-159. Print.
- "Gothicizing Apotemnophilia: Live Burial, Secret Desire, and the Uncanny Body of the Amputee Wannabe." Word and Text: A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics 3.2 (2013): 133-147. Print.
- "Big Sex: The Story of the ÌìÃÀÓ°ÊÓ´«Ã½ Nail and Other Objects of (Mass) Construction." Writing From Below 1.2 (2013): 19-30. Web.
- "Enhanced Creativity and Problem Solving: An Interdisciplinary Approach" (in collaboration with Michael Doran, Jack Shelley-Tremblay, and Bob Coleman). Proceedings of the 16th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. 2. Ed. Nagib Callaos, et al. Orlando, FL: The 16th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2012. 161-166. Print.
- "'Oh, maybe I was wrong': Doubt, Conversion, and Redemption in Breaking the Waves." Faith and Spirituality in Masters of World Cinema. Vol. 2. Ed. Kenneth Moreland. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar's Publishing, 2011. 152-167.
- "Literature, Theory, and the Beatific Effects of Reading." Literature and Ethics: From the Green Knight to the Dark Knight. Ed. Steve Brie and William T. Rossiter. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. 159-174.
- "Staging Perversion: The Restoration's Sexual Allegory of (Un)civil War." Sexual Perversions, 1670-1890. Ed. Julie Peakman. London: Palgrave, 2009. 50-71.
- "Madness." Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. 3 Vols. Ed. John Phillips and Gaetan Brulotte. New York: Routledge, 2006.
- "Monsters." Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. 3 Vols. Ed. John Phillips and Gaetan Brulotte. New York: Routledge, 2006.
- "Playing Ball With God: Breaking the Law in Breaking the Waves." Textual Ethos Studies or Locating Ethics. Ed. Anna Fahraeus and Ann Katrin Jonsson. New York: Rodopi International Press, 2005. 85-100.
- "The Reeve's Paranoid Eye, or the Dramatics of 'Bleared' Sight." Anamorphosis: A Journal of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis and the San Francisco Society for Lacanian Studies. Ed. Janet Thormann. Number 5, 2002: 91-129.
- "Sex Cuts." Jane Sexes It Up: True Confessions of Feminist Desire. Ed. Merri Lisa Johnson. Foreword by Jane Gallop. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows Press, 2002. 65-90.
- "Pounding the 'Amy' Out of Imagism, or 'Jouiring' Like an Idiot Carrying a Big Stick." Journal of Imagism. Ed. George P. Castellitto. Fall 2000: 23-33.
- "Perverse Pleasure and Fetishized Text: The Deathly Erotics of Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber.'" Style. Volume 29, Number 3, Fall 1995: 404-422.
- "The Fairytale Romance: A Story of Repressed Beauties and Displaced Beasts." Selected Essays from the International Conference on Myth and Fantasy 1991. Ed. Joseph Tyler. Carrollton, GA: West Georgia International Conference, 1994. 48-60.
- "Gab and Garb in Restoration Comedy: The (un)Fashionable Language of Clothes." Restoration and 18th Century Theatre Research. Summer 1991: 10-29.
- "In the Classroom: How to Combat Nuclear War Using Female Gender Identity Formation, the Idea as Gift, Pop Music, and Brecht's 'Alienation Effect," excerpts appear in Millicent Lenz's Nuclear Age Literature for Youth: The Quest for a Life-Affirming Ethic. Chicago: American Library Association, 1990. 254-56, 292.
Book Reviews
- Rev. of Flirtations: Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction, ed. Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz, Barbara Natalie Nagel, and Lauren Shizuko Stone. Studies in American Culture 40.1 (October 2017): 147-48. Print.
- "Picking at Peck." Rev. of Halls of Jade, Walls of Stone, by Stacey Peck. Pengyou Press 18 January 1988.
- "Chinese Literary Criticism." Rev. of Wang Kuo-Wei's Jen-Chien Tz'u-Hua, ed. Adele Austin Rickets. Pengyou Press 18 January 1988.
Creative Nonfiction
- "Crying's Diaper." Auto/Fiction 2.1 (November 2017): 99-116. Print.
- "Growing Up Out of Place." Children of the Changing South: Accounts of Growing Up During and After Integration. Ed. Foster Dickson. North Carolina: McFarland and Company, 2012. 81-90.
- "Singing the 'Stuttgart, Ark.' Blues with Bukka White, Or How I Utterly Failed to Be Like Elvis." Arkansas Literary Forum. Vol. 6, 2004. Ed. Marck L. Beggs. (invited)
- "Losing Jack (bang)." Arkansas Review: A Journal of Delta Studies. Ed. William M. Clements. Vol. 33, Number 2. August 2002: 121-127.
- "From Tight Fittin' Buses to Tight Fittin' Jeans." Bamboo Leaves: A China Reader. Ed. Bert Lobe, et. al. Winnipeg, Manitoba: China Educational Exchange, 1989. 32-34.
- "Muffin Theology." Zizzle Literary 4 (2021): 89-97. Print.
- "Strange Cookie." Transverse 15 (2016): 130-142. Print.
- "BogMyth." Splinter Hill Bog: The Writing Project. Ed. Janet Nodar. Mobile, AL: Bog Press, 2003. 17-23.
- "The Very Small Things That Fall." Westview: A Journal of Western Oklahoma. Ed. Fred Alsberg. Vol, 20, Number 2. Spring/Summer 2001: 15-27.
- Excerpt from and commentary on "The Very Small Things That Fall" appear in Artist Residency Exchange: Western New York. Ed. Roger Trietley. Buffalo, NY: Parkside Press, 1998. 12-14.
- "Love Is a Symptom, or Is It a Cigar?" Nefarious Ballerina: Intelligently Erotic. Ed. Gordon Purkis. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014. 2-4. Print.
Visual Art
- "Camera Obscura0010": Frontispiece. [digital collage] The Humanities Review 7.2 (2009). Print.