Graduate Medical Education Programs

With a long history of training physicians, the ÌìÃÀÓ°ÊÓ´«Ã½ and its affiliated hospitals provide training in 24 residency and fellowship programs to more than 300 physicians in training. All eligible graduate medical programs at the University of South Alabama are fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) unless otherwise noted.


Residency Programs

Emergency Medicine

Program Director: Walker Plash, M.D. - wplash@health.southalabama.edu 
Program Coordinator: Nikki Reymundo - nrreymundo@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 2451 University Hospital Dr., Mastin 316, Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 470-1649 • Fax: (251) 470-7042

Family Medicine

Program Director: Ehab Molokhia, M.D. - emolokhia@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Andrea Morrell - ajmorrell@health.southalabama.edu 
Address: 2424 Gordon Smith Dr., Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 434-3484 • Fax: (251) 434-3573

Internal Medicine

Program Director: Judy Blair-Elortegui, M.D. - jblair@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator (PC3): Kimberly Eardley - keardley@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator (PC1): Brant Weindorf - bweindorf@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 2451 University Hospital Dr., Mastin 400K, Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 471-7891 • Fax: (251) 470-1652

Internal Medicine / Pediatrics (Combined Program)

Program Director: Grace Hundley, M.D. - ohundley@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Ellen Maddox - ermaddox@health.southalabama.edu  
Address: 1700 Center St., Mobile, AL 36604
Telephone: (251) 415-8586 • Fax: (251) 415-1387


Program Director: William Kilgo, M.D. - wkilgo@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Leigh Rowell - clrowell@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 2451 University Hospital Dr., Mastin 615, Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 445-8261 • Fax: (251) 445-8249

Obstetrics & Gynecology

Program Director: Tracy Roth, M.D. - tyroth@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Kassidy Terry - kterry2@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 251 Cox St., Room 1009, Mobile, AL 36604
Telephone: (251) 415-1557 • Fax (251) 415-1552

Orthopaedic Surgery

Program Director: Jess Mullens, M.D. - jmullens@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator
: Rhonda Smith - rhondasmith@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 1601 Center St., #N-3104, Mobile, AL 36604
Telephone: (251) 665-8251 • Fax: (251) 665-8265


Program Director: Osama R. Elkadi, M.D. - oelkadi@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Bettina Kelson - bkelson@health.southalabama.edu 
Address: 2451 University Hospital Dr., Moorer Bldg., Room 120, Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 471-7786 • Fax: (251) 471-7715


Program Director: Haidee Custodio, M.D. - hcustodio@health.southalabama.edu 
Program Coordinator (PC3): Nicole Adair - nadair@health.southalama.edu 
Program Coordinator (PC1): Chloe Deuel - cdeuel@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 1700 Center St., Mobile, AL 36604
Telephone: (251) 415-1087 or (251) 415-8688 • Fax: (251) 415-1387


Program Director: Luke Engeriser, M.D. - lengeriser@altapointe.org
Program Coordinator: Laura Kessler - lkessler@altapointe.org
Address: 1015 Montlimar Dr., Suite A-210, Mobile, AL 36609
Telephone: (251) 706-5552 • Fax: (251) 706-5595


Program Director: Brett Martin, M.D. - bmartin@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Shunda Fakaha - sfakaha@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 2451 University Hospital Dr., Mastin 315, Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 471-7866 • Fax: (251) 471-7882


Program Director: Leander Grimm, M.D. - lgrimm@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator (PC3): Tyronda Rogers - tmrogers@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator (PC1): Cynthia Dennis - cdennis@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 2451 University Hospital Dr., Mastin 711, Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 471-7992 • Fax: (251) 471-7022


Program Director: Lorie Fleck, M.D. – lgfleck@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Sandi Shaw-Cantrelle – Sshaw-cantrelle@health.southalabama.edu  
Address: 2451 University Hospital Dr., Mastin 526, Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 660-5874 • Fax: (251) 660-5931


Fellowship Programs

Addiction Medicine

Program Director: Luke Engeriser, M.D. - lengeriser@altapointe.org
Program Coordinator: Laura Kessler - lkessler@altapointe.org 
Address: 1015 Montlimar Dr., Suite A-210, Mobile, AL 36609
Telephone: (251) 706-5552 • Fax: (251) 706-5595

Cardiovascular Disease

Program Director: Bassam Omar, M.D. - bomar@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Donna Gregory - dgregory@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 3290 Dauphin Street, Suite 300, Mobile, AL 36606  
Telephone: (251) 332-3885 • Fax: (251) 471-7447  

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Program Director: J. Clint Moore, D.O. - cmoore1@altapointe.org 
Program Coordinator: Laura Kessler - lkessler@altapointe.org 
Address: 1015 Montlimar Dr., Suite A-210, Mobile, AL 36609
Telephone: (251) 706-5552 • Fax: (251) 706-5595

Clinical Neurophysiology

Program Director: Juan Ochoa, M.D. - jochoa@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Leigh Rowell - clrowell@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 2451 University Hospital Dr., Suite 10E, Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 445-8261 • Fax: (251) 445-8249

Family Medicine Obstetrics (Non-ACGME Accredited)

Program Director: Amelia Hewes, M.D. - arhewes@health.southalabama.edu 
Program Director:
Danielle Turnquest, M.D. - dturnquest@health.southalabama.edu 
Program Coordinator:
Jenna James - jmjames@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 2424 Gordon Smith Dr., Mobile, AL 36617
(251) 434-3484 • Fax: (251) 434-3495


Program Director: William "Preston" Sonnier, M.D. - wpsonnier@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Tracy Terpening - tterpening@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 75 University Blvd. South, UCOM 6000, Mobile, AL 36608
Telephone: (251) 660-5651 • Fax: (251) 660-5558

Gynecologic Oncology

Program Director: Jennifer Young Pierce, M.D., M.P.H. - jypierce@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Angelique Reed - acreed@health.southalabama.edu 
Address: 1660 Springhill Ave., Mobile, AL 36604
Telephone: (251) 445-8401 • Fax: (251) 460-6994

Hematology and Medical Oncology

Program Director: Omar Alkharabsheh, M.D. - oalkharabsheh@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Angelique Reed - acreed@health.southalabama.edu 
Address: 1660 Springhill Ave., Mobile, AL 36604
Telephone: (251) 445-9895 or (251) 410-4967 • Fax: (251) 460-6994

Program Director: Josh Hackel, M.D. - josh@hackelmd.com
Program Coordinator: Christine Flores - Christine.flores@andrewsref.org 
Address: 1040 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561
Telephone: (850) 916-8704 • Fax: (850) 916-8579

Primary Care Sports Medicine - USA

Program Director: Peter Rippey, M.D. - prippey@health.southalabama.edu 
Program Coordinator: Sylvia Evans - stevans@health.southalabama.edu 
Address: 2424 Gordon Smith Dr., Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 434-3484 • Fax: (251) 434-3573

Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care

Program Director: Brian Fouty, M.D. - bfouty@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Katrice Phillip - krphillip@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 2451 University Hospital Dr., Mastin Suite 400-G, Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 471-7847ʉۢ Fax: (251) 471-7889

Renal and Genitourinary Pathology (Non-ACGME Accredited)

Program Director: Guillermo A. Herrera, M.D. - gherrera@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator: Bettina Kelson - bkelson@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 2451 University Hospital Dr., Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 471-7786 • Fax: (251) 471-7715

Surgical Critical Care

Program Director: Christopher Kinnard, M.D. - ckinnard@health.southalabama.edu
Program Coordinator (PC3): Tyronda Rogers - tmrogers@health.southalabama.edu 
Program Coordinator (PC1): Cynthia Dennis - cdennis@health.southalabama.edu
Address: 2451 University Hospital Dr., Mastin 711, Mobile, AL 36617
Telephone: (251) 445-8230 • Fax: (251) 471-7022